Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting Started


  1. This is how the truck looked once we took the engine out. We were a little overwhelmed with how much space we had to design, once the engine was gone. The nice thing about redoing an existing truck is that it still has all the design features which made it successful. We marked and saved the electrical harness so we can reconnect it once the electric motor is in place.

  2. At this point, almost a year ago, we decided that we would connect our electric motor with the existing transmission by having a connecting plate designed and machined by Real Parts in North Las Vegas. Once completed, we reinstalled the tranny in the same position, with our elctric motor attached. It is important to mark where the transmission is positioned, so that it can operate the way it was designed initially.

  3. Once this work was completed, we decided that we could fit 6 deep cycle 6 volt batteries under the hood, leaving room for the controller and the battery charger. The remaining 14 6 volt batteries will in the back, under the bed. Our vision was to install these batteries as close to the cab ads possible, in order to duplicate the original weight distribution, exchanging the engine and gas tank weight for the battery pack weight.
